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Trauma Therapy

Trauma Therapy

Trauma Therapy

Is trauma preventing you from achieving a fulfilling life? Are you considering trauma treatment? Has your life started to feel even small and rigid because you have to stick to your routine to feel stable? Maybe, you're avoiding anything that could bring back a traumatic memory or bring on charged feelings.

Is your life lacking pleasure because you are so used to feeling numb? Are you always preparing for the worst case scenario and struggling to let go of tense feelings, even when you try to sleep at night? As a result, do you suffer from nightmares or are easily startled?

Maybe, you wonder what it'd be like to trust others and have more flexibility in life. Perhaps, you feel disconnected from yourself and others as though you are just watching life go by. Most likely, you want to connect with people and form deep relationships, but feel too afraid to get close?

Understandably, you probably feel safer to simply be alone and depend solely on yourself.

If you can relate with some of these feelings, you could be experiencing the effects of trauma.

You Might Question If You Have Ever Had A Traumatic Event.

Dealing with the aftermath of a traumatic experience can be difficult to handle. This is true, whether you are dealing with “big” or “little t” trauma or complex trauma.

A big trauma is a single traumatic event such as war, a natural disaster, a car crash, death of a loved one, rape, etc. 

A little t trauma Little "t" trauma (sometimes called small "t") refers to relatively smaller-scale, more personal, distressing events that anyone can go through at some point in life, and they're often not life-threatening or as (obviously) scarring

Complex trauma is an accumulation of trauma within the context of family and other intimate relationships that happen repetitively over time. Some examples are: family dysfunction, neglect, abandonment, child abuse, bonding issues, domestic abuse or prolonged work stress. Complex trauma can be harder to identify, but both can affect you in similar ways. 

Trauma is actually one of the top reasons people seek out therapy. Whether a single event or a long-term stressor has impacted your life, trauma treatment is known to be effective.

You Can Be You Again.

Trauma treatment can help you relax so you can open up to life. I understand the emotional pain trauma can cause. I'm here to help you recover from whatever you have been through. 

No matter if you have experienced a single trauma or complex trauma. Trauma of any kind is a thief that steals the life from its victims. I know it can be hard to reach out and ask for help. And, I'm glad you are looking to take this huge step in the right direction. Life does not have to be a constant struggle. I want you to know that it is possible to gain a sense of safety in the midst of strong emotions and turbulent times. Few things can match the rewards of recovery!

How Does Trauma Treatment Work?

During therapy, you are free to share openly and honestly, without any fear of judgment. I provide a safe and accepting environment regardless of gender, cultural or spiritual orientation. In addition to providing a supportive environment, to ease your trauma symptoms, I can help you learn and use new coping skills and mindfulness techniques. 

By acquiring these positive coping skills, you can learn to manage and respond to stress in a more healthy way. In a way that may be unique for you, my body-centered approach can help you develop the ability to listen to your body in order to understand what is a real threat and what is past trauma.

Over time as your anxiety calms down– you will feel more confident that you can get through the challenges life brings. As a result, you will feel able to handle stress and live your life with more peace and freedom.

You might believe that through trauma treatment, you can indeed find healing in your mind, emotions, and body, but still have questions or concerns

Next Steps

Interested in trauma treatment and think we might be a good fit? Simply contact us for a free consultation. Offering online and in-person counseling sessions in Fayetteville, NC. Learn more about our a HIPAA compliant Telehealth therapy. Book a consultation now!


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